5 tricks from psychology that will get your resume noticed

Did you know that employers received between 75 and 250 applications for a single job posting? Yep, and if you’re able to get past the automated resume screening that many companies now use, your resume often only has seconds to catch the eye. As little as 10 seconds to be exact.

So how do you get noticed? You can start by understanding how hiring managers approach the process of selection and then using that to your advantage.

Here are a few psychology tricks that will help your resume get noticed.

Quantify your accomplishments

Aristotle believed in the power of logos. Logos is the logic behind an argument. It means proving that your arguments are truthful through facts, logic, and evidence. What does this mean for a job seeker? You can convince the employer that you’re a logical choice by quantifying your accomplishments.

So, instead of writing “reviewed and edited articles” as part of the description of a previous job, write “reviewed and edited 30-40 academic articles per week.” Do you see the difference? When you quantify the achievements, you’re providing concrete, convincing evidence of your value to the hiring manager.

Create social proof

According to psychologist Robert Cialdini, “we view a behavior as more correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.” That’s called social proof, and it’s one of the most powerful ways to influence someone’s decision.

What does this mean for a job seeker? Your public online activity is your social proof. When a potential employer googles your name, they should see what other people think of you. If, for example, you have a popular blog with a huge number of comments and shares, they will see how the target audience trusts your judgment. Ditto for your social media output.

To get started, invest your time creating either a high-quality blog or social media profile – ideally in a niche that is relevant to your career ambitions. Set high standards and be consistent; building an audience or following takes time.

Also, don’t forget to complete and update your LinkedIn profile, too. Important connections and recommendations are a powerful form of social proof.

Get feedback from employers

Have you heard of the foot-in-the-door technique? It involves asking someone for a small favor that they are likely to do for you. Once that happens, your foot is in the door. At the right moment, you can then make a request for a larger favor. It might sound counterintuitive, but it’s more likely that someone will agree to do you a bigger favor if they already did a smaller one.

You can also use this technique in the job search. By asking for feedback on your resume or job interview, you’re making a small, reasonable request and getting your foot in the door. If the employer agrees to give you feedback, they are more likely to accept your request for a visit to the office, an internship, or a consideration for a future open position.

Follow the “rule of seven”

Big brands are aware of this psychology trick, which states that a potential customer must see an advertisement seven times before they take action.

The same technique can be used when applying for jobs, especially when there is a specific company you’d like to work for. Think long-term and make sure that recruiters keep seeing your resume over time.

Here is a tip from Barbara Vincent, a recruiter from BestEssays: “The resume is practically your personal ad. You shouldn’t apply for the same opening several times. That’s called spamming. You can, however, keep applying for jobs at the same company whenever you see a relevant opening. When a potential employer sees your resume multiple times, they will feel like they know you. The ‘personal advertisement’ will be more convincing.”

Associate yourself with big brands

Authority is another one of Cialdini’s principles of persuasion. Authority has a powerful influence on decisions. When a boss has rock-solid authority, the employees do everything to meet his expectations.

How does a job seeker establish authority? Apart from experience in the field, you can become an active member of the online community. Apart from sharing your own content, engage with brands and influencers that are relevant to your industry. Share their content, participate in discussions, and don’t be shy to reach out for feedback, advice, or even collaboration – you never know what you can get if you ask. By associating with the right kinds of people and brands, you will develop the kind of authority that stands out to employers.

You’ll never be able to read an employer’s mind but by employing a few psychological tricks, you can get a step head of other applicants, and get your resume noticed. Good luck!


Source: Brenda Savoie